Yuyun ismawati
Founder, Bali Fokus, Indonesia
What is Yuyun's vision for cleaner communities in Indonesia?
The Indonesian government only handles one third of the country's waste. Piles of trash accumulate in poor areas, contaminating the water and soil in these communities. Wanting to help Indonesians solve this crisis themselves, Yuyun established Bali Fokus in 2000.
Yuyun and her team began in one village, where they built a waste facility and made it easy for local residents to clear the trash dumps outside their doors. Bali Fokus began training housewives to separate trash and produce compost for sale. Her efforts were so successful that she was asked to help formulate a national waste management strategy, SANIMAS. The model has serviced over 400 communities, and 600 more are waiting for Yuyun's help to implement it in their neighborhoods. With huge success at the community level, Yuyun has become influential in national policy—she helped to write the first-ever bill on waste management strategy in 2009.